Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So the worlds Going to end is it?

As you all know the talk of the world ending in 2012. Whether or not it is to happen the date has been set for Dec 21 2012, as is the end of the MAYAN calender. So What is one to do? Have a party? Be with ones significant other until the end? See a movie? Scratch your bum? Or sit around and laugh because you know nothings going to happen? What ever you choose good luck and i might see you tomorrow.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

If you are new

If you are new then i shall inform you that many things could happen on this blog. I plan to teach  you something weather it is relevant to you or not is your own fault. So sit back  and enjoy yourself  and magic of any kind may happen.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011